Sunday, October 13, 2013

Lake Superior Shoreline-Porcupine Mountains Wilderness

A stellar Fall day in the Western U.P. Benny and I left the farm at 5AM and spent most of the day within the Porcupine Mountains Wilderness with the Canon 5D Mark II. The "leaf peepers" were out in force, especially at the more traditional tourist sites, such as Lake of the Clouds overlook. Not a bad thing. While they are a pain in the ass to work around with the camera as they snap away with iPhones or Androids, they spend money here, which our local economy needs. Met a gentleman from China, who was also shooting with Canon L series lenses, while at the top of the Park. A smile and handshake are universal and always promote conversation. He was well versed in the exigencies of L-Series lenses and recognized the 135 I had mounted, as he noted he had previously owned a copy. Will be heading for my annual Fall Keweenaw Peninsula trip tomorrow, to Copper Harbor and back, as it is a Federal Holiday and the wind will be low.

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