Sunday, September 14, 2014

1963 Savage Model 24P at Rauhallinen Farm

A beautiful Fall day at Rauhallinen Farm. The perennials are on the wane, but to make up for that loss, the leaves are in pursuit of abundant color, the temperatures are crisp, and the magic of this season is about. Have been running the Harman XXV pellet stove for the last week, with nightime temperatures in the low 30's. Too early to start up the wood boiler, which once started, runs till May. Small game season opens tomorrow. My prized Savage Model 24P and myself will meet my friend Tom for some Ruffed Grouse (Partridge) hunting in Houghton County early Saturday. Upland bird hunting without a dog makes for substantial walking through tight brush, but the walkabout in some beautiful Northwoods acres is a treat, birds or not. Ruffed Grouse remains my favorite upland game bird for fine cuisine, followed by ring necked pheasant, which we have so few of here (too many coyotes and too harsh a winter). Revisted memories of pheasant hunting  in the early 70's in Southwestern Michigan with my Irish Setter, Jimmy, and friend John (who also became a Community Mental Health Executive Director-now long retired). Jimmy was a very large Irish Setter, at over 115 lbs. His hip displaysia never limited his hunting enthusiasm and he worked exceptionally hard to point many a fine bird in the corn and asparagus fields we hunted.....

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